HLSC 4650 Sandbox
Best Practices When Using this Website
- Use Chrome or Firefox browsers to access this website
- Avoid trying to upload images or files from a mobile device.
- Do not upload .mp4 video files or .mp3 audio files directly to this site. Upload your video/audio file to Kaltura first.
- It is recommended to draft your responses in a document first and then copy it into the submission form when you’re ready to post it. That way, if there’s a glitch when posting, you don’t lose your work.
- Be patient! Once you click the Submit button, it may take a bit of time to process your post
- If you experience any error messages, refresh your browser tab and check the site to see if your post was successfully posted. If there are issues, please reach out to learningtech@tru.ca
Video/Audio Recent Posts (Part A)
Hemolytic Disease of a Newborn – RH Incompatibility
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